Saturday, November 12, 2011

Reboot (plus more)

It's been a long year, and I admit blogging is not something I do naturally. It's very easy for me to overlook and forget to write about a dozen different things I wanted to write about. I'm going to try to reboot my blog and get into the motion of things again. Now is an especially good time because I am raising my first batch of Bangaii Cardinal fry! They are about a week and a half old now and here are some pictures of them one of my sump partitions:

I've been keeping three adult Bangaii Cardinals lately, one female and two males. The second male I've been keeping in my side tank along with a very old Blue Damsel and Maroon Clownfish. This is the first batch of young that made it to release by the first male. It is technically his third batch, which puts him in line with most Bangaii males when they first start to carry eggs. Most sources seem to indicate that the first 1-3 attempts may not go to full term as the male isn't used to or ready to carry the eggs the full 3 weeks or so. I will probably do a more detailed followup post about this batch of fry and some of the setups I am using that I've built.

Honestly, I'm not quite sure where I want to take this blog right now. I do know I want to keep my first breeding attempts or progress updated for those that are interested. I'm also considering doing some basic product reviews for anyone out there that would like to hear my opinions of the various products I pick up. As with most aquarists, we end up buying many products, some of which we love, some not so much, and even some that seem to work for us, but somehow not for others. Anything I might say in the future are not necessarily going to be the same experience with someone else. Just take it with a grain of salt along with all the other opinions out on the web you might find.

As a side note, I've recently become a volunteer at Aquarium of the Bay as a Water Quality Technician, which is basically a fancy way of saying I test their water parameters for them about once a week. I think I shall make a quick post with a few pictures about my experiences there and hope that I'm not breaking any rules by doing so. Should be free publicity if anything. They're a non profit aquarium with a heavy focus on local conservation. Anyone that lives or is visiting San Francisco that hasn't been there before should definitely take a look around. They run some pretty spiffy exhibits.

So that's that. Stay tuned for future updates and drop me a comment or an email over here with any comments, questions, or suggestions about what you'd like to see me post more of.