Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Marine Aquarium Introduction

The first post always seems the hardest to write. First impressions and all that. Welcome to Aquarium Chronicles, a blog about my aquarium experiences. I'm Derick Hui, a San Francisco bay area aquarist. I deal with Marine Aquariums, mostly Coral Reef tanks. I currently help run a Red Sea Max 130 as a Mixed Reef display tank, but for my own personal projects I have a 40gal breeder connected to a 40g breeder sump that I'm attempting coral propagation with. On top of those two tanks, I also run two quarantine 10g tanks that always seem to be used for something other than quarantine. So after having the display system overgrow with corals during my first year of maintaining one, I became interested in propagating some as a hobby.

Here's a few pictures of the display tank from last year:

Don't really have access to a good camera lately so I haven't been able to take too many pictures. I will still try to get some as I write new posts though. I do have to say that this blog really isn't about that display tank, but it's good to show off some decent pictures if one is to talk about aquariums. What I plan to write here are my future attempts at various aquaculture techniques. I've been working on coral propagation for about a year now, on top of a year of maintaining a normal tank. Trading the aquaculture corals to the local fish store helps support the hobby and sometimes I acquire new brood stock. I've decided that I might venture into fish breeding in the near future, and thought this blog would be a nice way to keep track of my progress.

With that said, I do hope to find a balance between professional writing and writing something that people without aquariums can relate to and enjoy. I have a future goal doing larger scale marine aquaculture with a combination of coral propagation and fish breeding. There's also the chance I might do some aquarium maintenance if the opportunity comes up.

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