Friday, December 3, 2010

Elos Test Kits

I picked up a few Elos Test Kits for the first time today. Ordered them from Marine Depot. Was mostly getting a Magnesium test kit, since I never had one of those before and settled for trying Elos out. I can't vouch for the accuracy of the magnesium test kit, since I don't have any other one to compare it to, but I have to say I do like it over API test kits so far.

While the instructions was a bit more complicated to use than API kits, I got the hang of it easily after a couple tries. I always disliked how API test tubes seemed to have the 5ml markings vary from each one, making me worry about accuracy. The Elos syringe was definitely more accurate. However I have to say that overall, the API liquid droppers seemed to be more uniform drips. I know there were complaints how the stopper for the Elos test tubes would break the tubes, and I can see how that could easily happen since some of the stoppers were tighter fitting than others. It was fine for me long as I was careful about popping them off, at least so far. A bit expensive, but I'll probably replace my API for Elos when it comes time to replace my kits.

Turns out my Magnesium is around 1200, where it should be at least 1350, so I'll have to pick up a supplement after some research. My KH is also a bit low along with my pH being at 7.8 and a dKH of about 6-7. I was a bit surprised it was this low since I also run cheato and my water is very well aerated because of my sump setup. I don't like using too many supplements because not only is it more work, but riskier than just having a good salt brand. I use Seachem Reef Salt and have been happy with it so far. Well... hopefully my room isn't that high in CO2 since I have the window open. I would much more prefer my pH problem coming from low alkalinity than high CO2. However, I'll try the Kent buffer and see how that goes the next few weeks once I get a chance to pick some up.

On a bright note, I'm slowly gaining success with training Deedle, a striped mandarin dragonet that was named thus so by a friend. He's eating some spirulina enriched frozen brine shrimp, even if it's only when he confuses it with a few live ones I toss in with the mix to try to transition him over. Tonight I'm going to try feeding him only frozen and see if he takes to it.

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